Discovery Series: Sirca Paints India stock has so much room to run

Trading Calls - Equity F&O

Sirca’s growth story appears interesting, but the track record is patchy and consistency in execution remains the key

Discovery Series: Sirca Paints India stock has so much room to run

PRO Only Highlights
Quarterly performance largely backed by improved realisations
Medium-term triggers China plus and protectionist measures for tyre industry
Valuations not inexpensive; but improved medium-term outlook

In our discovery series, we spot stocks that have, hitherto, not been covered by our team but merit attention as the numbers and outlook appear promising. An impressive recovery in the previous few quarters prompted us to look at Sirca Paints India – a small-sized wood paints manufacturer, with a market cap just below Rs  1,000 crore. Small-cap with strong parentage Incorporated in 2006, Sirca Paints India (SPIL) manufactures, sells and export wood coatings and other decorative paints. The company is a…