As per UIDAI, this can be done by sending an address validation letter online with the help of an address verifier and the address verifier can be any family member, friend, landlord, who can allow you to use that address. The address can only be updated if you meet certain conditions.
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has given the facility to the people of the country that they can update their existing address even when they do not have any documents for address proof.
As per UIDAI, this can be done by sending an address validation letter online with the help of an address verifier and the address verifier can be any family member, friend, landlord, who can allow you to use that address. The address can only be updated if you meet certain conditions.
These conditions are:
-Mobile number of both Resident and Address Verifier should be linked to their respective Aadhaar
-Resident and Address Verifier must be authenticated via OTP
-Address Verifier must be approved for use in address base
How to update the address in Aadhaar
-You will be directed to the request for Address Validation Letter page where you can enter your 12-digit enter the base Nanpr or 16 digits of Virtual ID Enter.
–Address Verifier will get an SMS, which will contain a link, and therefore, it would need approval.
–After this, a second SMS will be received with OTP, fill it and insert captcha and verify.
–When it is verified, you will get the Service Request Number (SRN) through SMS.
–Login through ‘SRN’ and preview the address, edit it and submit it, cancel your ‘Update Request Number’ (URN).