Kalpataru Power bags orders worth Rs 1,842 crore


The orders are for metro rail electrification, composite railway project, Buildings & Factories (B&F) projects and in transmission and distribution (T&D) business in India.


July 29, 2022 / 12:12 PM IST



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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd (KPTL) on Friday said the company and its subsidiaries have bagged orders worth Rs 1,842 crore.

The orders are for metro rail electrification, composite railway project, Buildings & Factories (B&F) projects and in transmission and distribution (T&D) business in India.

Besides, the company has bagged projects overseas in T&D business, it said in a statement. “These new orders provide us with entry in high growth infrastructure segment like metro rail electrification. Simultaneously, we continue to strengthen and consolidate our leadership in T&D and B&F businesses by acquiring new clients and extending our geographical reach,” MD and CEO Manish Mohnot said.

With theses orders, the company’s current year order inflows have reached Rs 8,000 crore, it said. KPTL is a global engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) player in the power and infrastructure contracting sector.